Check out the credit card authorization letter template here and authorize some other person to use your credit card for the time being. You can use our printable template to draft the credit card authorization letter and address it to your bank.

We all come across such occasions when we can’t visit our respective banks ourselves due to a number of reasons. On such occasions, the credit card authorization letter is very helpful to authorize some other person for using our credit card.

How to write Credit Card Authorization Letter

As, we know that format is the very first thing that comes in the drafting of any authorization letter. So, you have to make sure that the format should be formal and meet the banking norms. With an ideal format of the credit card authorization letter, you can draft this letter in the following manner.

  • Write your name in the “From” section as the person who is going to write this letter to the bank for authorization purposes.
  • Next write the name of the respective bank to whom you want to address this authorization letter.
  • You should also mention the subject of the letter as well as a salutation before the main body of the letter.
  • You can subsequently start the main body of the letter by introducing yourself as a customer of the bank.
  • Reiterate the subject or objective of the authorization letter in the main body of the letter.
  • Next, provide the name of the person whom you want to authorize for the credit card usage on your behalf.
  • You can also mention the period of time for the validity of this authorization letter.
  • Furthermore, you can also set the transaction limits for credit card usage.
  • At last, you can consequently end the letter with your gratitude to the banking authorities.

Sample of Credit Card Authorization Letter

Well, we believe that the sample of the credit card authorization letter can provide some reference to our readers. They can similarly draft their own credit card authorization letter with the help of our sample letter.

Arvind Yadav
New Era PO 789087
Mumbai, IndiaDate- DD/MM/YYYY

Subject – Credit Card Authorization Letter

Simran Sharma
Branch Manager Standard Chartered Bank
Gill Colony, Mumbai, India

Dear Ma’am,
I’m writing this credit card authorization letter as the proud customer of the Standard Chartered Bank. With this credit card authorization letter I want to appoint Mr. Sunil Verma to appoint as my agent for the exclusive usage of my credit card. I’m authorizing him since I’m unable to visit the bank or even any other premises myself. I, therefore, appoint Mr. Sunil Verma to use my card on my behalf for the respective transactions on my credit card.

Kindly consider making this authorization effective from the immediate effect. Feel free to contact me if you seek further information or clarity on this authorization.

Arvind Yadav

Credit Card Authorization Letter Template in PDF, Word

We are here offering the fully printable template of the credit card authorization letter to our readers. So, if you want to write the credit card authorization letter then you can use it for your purpose. Moreover, The template is consequently available in various digital formats such as PDF, Word, etc. Likewise, you can access the template both in the hard and soft formats as per your requirement. Our template of credit card authorization letter is fully acceptable to be used as the legal form of the credit card authorization letter.

Credit Card Authorization Letter Template

PDF | Word

Credit Card Authorization Letter

PDF | Word

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